Academic Pages

1 minute read


Notes on modifying the Academic Pages template to fit my personal website needs.

Making it personal - The sidebar

Modify the settings within _config.yml to configure the sidebar image, name, description, social/professional links, etc.

Changing the header

Add, remove, or comment out sections of _data/navigation.yml to change which pages will appear in the header

The title of the sections within this file must match some filename within _pages

Blog posts

Write blog posts by creating a file with the naming convention ‘’

Within this file, include the following header section at the top of the file with details replaced

title: 'Title'
date: YYYY-MM-DD
permalink: /posts/YYYY/MM/Title/
 - Tag1
 - Tag2
 - ...


Use the Markdown Guide “Markdown Cheat Sheet” for quick reference.

Most useful notes:

  • Comment with <!-- to begin commment and --> to close.
  • Place a horizontal rule with ***, ---, or ___
  • Bold font with ** before and after the text
  • Italicize with _ before and after the text

Adding a ‘Favicon’ - Browser tab image

Add the following to the head of default.html

<link rel="icon" href="/images/filename.extension">

where filename and extension are replaced by the corresponding fields of the image for the favicon. The / before images/filename.extension is important. Without this, the favicon will only be applied to the home page

Adding an image to a blog post

Place an image on a post with ![Image caption](/images/filename.extension)

Removing the description below blog posts

In the _includes folder, remove or comment-out the following lines of archive-single.html

Moving the read time below publication date for blog posts

In the _includes folder, move the following lines of archive-single.hmtl


Remove read time below blog post title

In the _includes folder, remove or comment-out the following lines of archive-single.hmtl